UIA 2030 Award: Second Cycle launch

09/01/2024 News

The International Union of Architects, in collaboration with UN-Habitat, has announced the launch of the second cycle of the UIA 2030 Award. This biennial award promotes the work of architects contributing to the delivery of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development together with the New Urban Agenda.

UIA President and Secretary General End of Year Report

08/01/2024 News

2023 was eventful for the International Union of Architects in quite a number of ways. This year, the UIA marked its 75th anniversary, held its triennial Congress and General Assembly in Copenhagen (a city that was also the UNESCO-UIA World Capital of Architecture) and elected its Council for the 2023-2026 term. Since the Copenhagen General Assembly, new national organisations have applied to join or return to the Union. Today, the UIA gathers 112 Member Sections representing the architects’ associations of 120 countries.

Call for proposals: UIA Guidebook for the 2030 Agenda

24/02/2023 News

In vista del prossimo Congresso mondiale degli Architetti, che si terrà a Copenaghen dal 2 al 6 Luglio 2023 sul tema “SUSTAINABLE FUTURES - No leave no one behind”, la Commission dell’UIA Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) ha lanciato la Call for proposals: “UIA GUIDEBOOK FOR THE 2030 AGENDA”
aperta a tutti i professionisti e ricercatori, per raccogliere le migliori progettualità e buone pratiche sui temi della sostenibilità ambientale, al fine di realizzare la terza edizione dell’UIA Guidebook per l’Agenda 2030.

UIA e AHA “scrivono” il futuro dell’affordable housing

06/06/2022 News

Oltre 80 interventi di esperti internazionali dal palco e in diretta streaming, presentazione di esempi virtuosi da tutto il mondo, conferenze e mostre “fuori salone” si sono alternati dal 18 al 20 maggio nella cornice del Forum “AHA – Affordable Housing Activation: removing barriers”, di fronte a oltre 4.000 contatti web e centinaia di delegati provenienti da tutti i continenti in rappresentanza delle cinque regioni dell’UIA (Unione internazionale degli architetti), promotrice dell’evento, qui riunitasi per la “2022 Extraordinary General Assembly”.


08/03/2022 News

The International Union of Architects strongly condemns the invasion of a sovereign nation, Ukraine by Russia. We further condemn the inequities that emerge from war including racial prejudices at border crossings, loss of homes of many innocent people and most importantly, the loss of life. We implore the Government of Russia to bring an immediate cessation of this war.  

Standing with 3.5 million architects from 115 countries, the UIA expresses solidarity with all those suffering from the conflict. The continuing loss of life in Ukraine must stop.

Baku International Architecture Prize - 5th Edition

11/02/2021 News

This biennial award, open to qualified architects everywhere and endorsed by the UIA since 2013, seeks to recognize architectural diversity and to encourage new ideas and research, new realisations and exemplary new implementations of urban planning and architectural projects globally.
Participants from 38 countries entered the 2019 edition of the Award and the international jury recognised winners from 18 countries: South Africa, Egypt, China, Georgia, Japan, Azerbaijan, Kenya, Iran, Slovakia, Portugal, Malaysia, Spain, Argentina, UAE, Greece, Hong Kong, Denmark, Bangladesh.